Thanks for your interest in my blog, and thank you for taking the time to check out my review policy!
If you're interested in sending me a novel for review, here are a few things you should know:
I am currently only accepting Young Adult fiction books for review. I will accept ARCs and finished copies. If a book is part of a series and I haven't read or don't have access to the previous books, I might ask that you include them as well (I will write a review for each book). I do not accept audiobooks for review, and will only accept e-books on a very limited basis (usually only if it is a book that I've been wanting to read). I am also not accepting self-published books at this time.
My reviews will include title and author information, cover art, publisher and release date, page number, genre/age, where I received the book, a synopsis taken from Goodreads or the physical novel itself, and my personal thoughts. I do not currently use a rating system on my blog, although I do rate books on Goodreads.
I will make every effort to read and review your book in a timely fashion, but I can't guarantee this. If you have time constraints for your novel please let me know and I'll do my best to accommodate them. All my reviews will be posted on this blog, on my Goodreads and LibraryThing accounts, and linked to on Twitter. I will post to Amazon and/or Barnes & Noble, but only if you request it.
I'm not a book critic, and I won't objectively analyze your novel. I run this blog because I love to read and connect with other readers. My reviews are my honest thoughts and feelings, and I can't promise that I'm going to like every book I read. If I love a book I'll say so, and I'll tell you why. If I don't love it, I'll explain that too. I try to be fair in my reviews, and I will never be mean or personally attack an author, but I can't alway give a positive review.
I am also happy to host giveaways, blog/arc tours, author interviews, and guest posts to promote your book.
As I said before, this blog is just for fun, and I do not receive or accept any monetary compensation for my reviews.
If you have any questions or you would like to send me a copy of your book for review, please contact me at musingsfromatoz(at)gmail(dot)com.
Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you!